A2 : Students : hanalola : Ancillary task 1 : Research

The conventions of a movie poster:

  • The title should be big enough and easily read, so the audience can be pulled in hopefully by the title.
  • The poster should be eye catching and captivating to hold the audiences interest, so there is a chance of them watching the movie.
  • The use of famous actors,  might promote the film and get more people to actually watch it.
  • Coming soon or release date is usually displayed on the poster.
  • The posters should attract the audience to watch the film
  • The actors and directors name is usually displayed on the poster, so the audience gets an idea of how many film the director has done, if they are well known and have achieved a lot or if they are unknown.
  • A image which is shocking and eye catching, to immediately captivate the audience and incorporate them to watch the film.
The title of the film are mostly positioned in the bottom centre of the poster, to be noticed after the audience sees the image, I will most likely incorporate this convention on my movie poster, because it is conventional and exactly how I imagined it to be
My Image will be a strong and powerful one such as the eyes of the girl or a close up of the creepy boys face, because eyes are very powerful and dominate the expression of something or somebody especially because one of the girls eye is in the light and one in the dark, which makes each eye seem as if they present a different mood and emotion.
I will definitely include the directors and the actors names on the poster, because it is important who produced the film and who stares in it  , because the audience can see if they are well known or not and it can affect their choices of wether they are going to watch the film or not.
My poster will either huge amounts of background and the scenery or nothing as it might be a long shot or a extreme close up shot.
An and the colours I would like to make my poster eye catching and interesting to look at, to make the audience think that if the poster is interesting that the film might be exciting to.
Ny poster will definitely have the coming soon or release date on them so the audience has a date for the film to remember and doest forget it as quick.

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